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July 26-30 from 9:00am to Noon.

Bring your kids out for a week of stories, music and singing, games, and crafts. They will have fun, learn and interact with other kids and volunteer leaders. As detectives, your kids will discover more about wisdom, friendship, the Bible, and God. All while having a blast!

Thursday, July 29 there will be a BBQ lunch for the kids and their families. Sign ups for the barbecue will be included in the registration. 

Cost is $30.00 per child. Payment can be made via e-transfer at or when registering. Please make sure to put 'Children's Summer Camp' and your child's name in the memo if paying via e-transfer.

If finances are a concern, please feel free to contact us at 780-987-3385 or send an email to, and we can have a conversation about it. 

Thank you so much, and we are looking forward to a great week with all the kids! 

