Rev. Bert Faulkner
Lead Pastor


Work: 780-987-3385, ext 222

Hi I am Bert

A Favorite Bible Verse: I can't say I can pick a "favorite" verse, but would say that there are two verses that I have centered my life upon. They are Philippians 4:13 and John 15:5-"I can do all things through Christ...apart from Him I can do nothing.:

What I like about DCC: So far, is that everyone seems to have a heart for the community and each other.

My Passion:  I am not what you would call a "passionate" kind of person. I'm more balanced, steady and true. Therefore my passion is for doing things right and finishing well. I want to be found faithful in the small things and obedient to the Lord's leading.

Fun Fact: Growing up, I used to snowmobile in the field that is now Imperial Court.

Favorite Things: My favorite things are: family (especially my grandkids), outdoors (hunting and fishing), music and gaming.