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The young adults will be heading out to the Alberta Beach Family Camp Saturday July 6th to catch a service. Alberta Beach is about 45 mins-1 hr drive from Devon. The service starts at 6:30pm. Kole will be out at camp all weekend, so everyone is welcome to drive out earlier in the day to hangout and do some fun activities. This may include: swimming, soccer, volleyball, baseball, board games, getting ice cream, etc. After the service we will go over to The Centre for a bite to eat, so bring some cash with you. Everyone is responsible for getting there. No carpool will be organized, but people are welcome to organize carpooling themselves. If you can't make it out, we encourage you to attend another time. Services go all week (@10am & 6:30pm) starting June 29 and going till July 7. Looking forward to hanging out with you and learning about Jesus.

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