Hard to believe, but 2021 has come to an end. At this time last year, we all probably expected the new year to return back to "normal" but it did not. It was another unusual and difficult year for everyone.
This sermon reminds us of Ebenezer, not the scrooge in A Christmas Carol, but of the stone monument built by Samuel in the Old Testament after defeating the Philistines. Ebenezer means 'stone of help' and the old prophet built the altar as a reminder so that anytime people walked by it, they would remember that God had helped them. We too echo's those words as 2021 wraps up, "Thus far the Lord has helped us."
This sermon mentions three specific ways in which God has helped us in 2021 and offers one great promise to give us confidence as we enter 2022. It concludes with these words, "we testify to God's help in the past and by faith we trust him to help us in the future."