This is the first sermon in the Influencers sermon series this summer.
Abraham and Sarah had waited twenty-five years for the birth of a promised son. Nearly forty years after Isaac's birth and shortly after Sarah's death, Abraham wants to ensure God's promise to bless the nations through his descendants can come to pass. And in order to do that, Abraham needs to find a wife for his son. He entrusts this responsibility to his senior servant, Eliezer of Damascus.
We don't know much about Eliezer other than his place of origin and that he obeyed Abraham's simple and clear instructions and he asked for divine help. The narrator of Genesis does a masterful job of telling us how God provided Rebekah as a wife for Isaac. Perhaps without knowing the long-term implications and the importance of this marriage (this couple are part of the human genealogy of Jesus), Eliezer made a big difference through obedience and trust (faith).
This sermon offers four simple, doable steps we can take to make a big difference here and now.