

In this talk, Pastor Bert shares 12 reasons why we need to grow in serving God and others. Service is one of the essential areas of growth for DCC this year!


1. Created For Service (Eph. 2.10; Gen. 1.26)

2. Chosen For Service (2 Tim. 1.9)

3. Called To Serve (2 Cor. 6.4)

4. Competent For Service (2 Cor. 3.6; 1 Peter 4.10)

5. Commanded To Serve (Matt. 20.28; 1 Cor. 3.1-3)

6. Confirms My Connection To The Saviour (Rom 7.4)

7. Church Needs My Service (1 Cor. 12.27)

8. Serving Others Corresponds To Serving God (Col. 3.23; Matt 25.40+45)

9. Creditor To Christ (Rom 12.1)

10. Service Gives Me A Life Of Consequence (Mark 8.35)

11. I Will Be Held Accountable For My Service (Rom. 14.12; Matt. 25.21)

12. Compensated For My Service (John 12.26)