
Genesis 3:8-19
1 God With Us in the Garden

Sermon series introdution: ends at4:36min

Sermon: starts at 4:36min

For us "the garden" is that place when everything is as we'd like it to be, but for Adam and Eve it was the ideal and sinless place where God had put them at the beginning of creation. Yet, even in that perfect environment they open the door to sin in what we call the fall. But in God's foreknowledge and grace, a plan was already in motion to redeem fallen humanity and all of creation to himself. In Genesis 3:15 it is presented in what is often called the protoevanglium, the first gospel, a promise that someone would come to deliver us from the power of sin. Later we find out that Jesus is the promised one.

This sermon presents four significant observations from Genesis 3:8-19 and three reasons or purposes for which Jesus came to earth. It concludes with a reminder that Immanuel is the only way back to the garden (a right relationship with God, others, ourselves, and creation) for everyone of us. What will you do with Immanuel this Advent season?