In this sermon, Pastor Bert presents 5 more Spiritual-Laws related to sowing & reaping that help us understand how God created the world to be.
Law #5: Harvest happens long after planting (John 4.38, 15.5; 1 Cor. 3.6, 15.58)
Law #6: You will always get more than you give (Mark 4.8; )
Law #7: You get in proportion to what you give (2 Cor. 9.6-7; Prov. 11.24)
Law #8: The time to plant is now (John 4.35; Amos 9.13; Eccl. 11.4-6; 2 Cor. 9.10-11)
Law #9: The harvest takes patience and endurance (Mark 4.26-28; Gal. 6.9)