In this sermon, Pastor Bert gives a special Father's Day themed message exploring what it means to be a real man according to God's Word and design (1 Kings 2:2).
A Real Man...
1. Is A Paradigm (Gen. 1.27)
2. Has A Purpose (Gen. 2.7; Eph. 2.10; Col. 1.16)
3. Is A Provider (1 Tim. 1.8)
4. Is A Protector (Isaiah 1.17; John 15.13)
5. Is A Prophet & A Priest (1 Cor. 14:3; 1 Pet. 2.9)
6. Is Pure (Ps. 119.9; 1 Cor. 6.11; 1 John 1.9)
7. Is A Prince (Rom 8.14-18)
8. Is Passionate (Col. 3.23)
9. Is Principled ( Eccl. 2.10-11)