
1 John 4:7-10; John 13:34

In this sermon, Pastor Bert continues a sermon series on "discovering community". In this talk, Pastor Bert discusses LOVING OTHERS from a biblical worldview (1 John 4.7-10).

1. Choose to prioritize love (1 Cor. 13.3; Matt. 22.37-39)

2. Understand the importance of love (Matt. 22.40; Rom. 13.10; John 14.15)

3. Demonstrate the distinctness of love (John 13.35; Gen. 1.26; 1 John 4.16-17)

4. Practice the virtue of love

     -By adding value (John 3.16)

     -By being vulnerable (John 1.11)

     -By living sacrificially (Gal. 2.20)