In Ephesians 1:3 Paul says that God "has blessed us with every spiritual blessing." In the following twelve verses he lists 7 blessings (or 5 depending on how you count them). This sermon briefly highlights each of them. According to Paul:
- We were chosen before the foundation of the world (ver. 4)
- We were predestined to or for adoption (vers. 4-5)
- We have redemption through Jesus' blood (v. 7)
- We have forgiveness of our trespasses (ver. 7)
- God has revealed to us the mystery of his will (vers. 8-10)
- We have obtained an inheritance (v. 11)
- We have been sealed with the Holy Spirit (vers. 13-14)
We really are move blessed than we think! So, how should we respond to a God who has blessed us so much? Theologian Clinton Arnold answers this question for us: "Paul leads his readers to the conclusion that the only proper way to respond to the incredible favor and love God has shown his people is by rending praise to him and magnifying his glory." How will you respond to God because he has blessed you so much already?